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M²LInES in the news and news from M²LInES
Deep Learning Turbulence Closures Generalize Best With Physics-based Methods
Learning Propagators for Sea Surface Height Forecasts Using Koopman Autoencoders
Learning Machine Learning with Lorenz-96
New study addressing artifacts near coastlines caused by out-of-sample predictions
Youtube channel to learn data science with M²LInES Carlos Fernandez Granda
Meet “Samudra”: M²LInES’ AI Global Ocean Emulator for Climate
Assessing the representation of Arctic sea ice and the marginal ice zone in ocean–sea ice reanalyses
The Emerging Human Influence on the Seasonal Cycle of Sea Surface Temperature
Neural general circulation models for weather and climate
Distilling Machine Learning’s Added Value
Pushing the frontiers in climate modelling and analysis with machine learning
Scalable interpolation of satellite altimetry data with probabilistic machine learning
Constraints imply limited future weakening of AMOC
Bringing Statistics to Storylines!
Sampling Hybrid Climate Simulation at Scale
Improved Equatorial Upper Ocean Vertical Mixing
Transfer Learning for Emulating Ocean Climate Variability
Data-driven dimensionality reduction and causal inference for spatiotemporal climate fields
FTORCH and FORPY libraries now integrated to CESM!
Predicting September Arctic Sea Ice
Advances in Machine Learning Techniques for Sea Ice Applications
Joint Parameter and Parameterization Inference
Building Ocean Climate Emulators
Stress-testing the coupled behavior of hybrid physics-machine simulations
Stochastic Optimal Control Matching by Joan
Restratification Effect of Mesoscale Eddies
Data-driven equation discovery ocean model
Learning Machine Learning with Lorenz-96
ClimSim awarded Best Paper Award at NeurIPS
Will Gregory's latest article featured in Advance Science News
OceanBench by J. Emmanuel Johnson
UNetKF by Feiyu Lu
Multi-fidelity climate model parameterization by Mohamed Aziz Bhouri
Benefits of Deterministic and Stochastic Tendency Adjustments in a Climate Model
Blog Post - A New Generation of Climate Models
New climate simulation model ensemble by Marika Holland
Understanding Extreme Precipitation Changes by Griffin Mooers
Reliable coarse-grained turbulent simulations by Chris Pederson
Background Pycnocline depth constrains FOHUE by Emily Newsom
ClimSim: LEAP publication
Learning Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence by Sara Shamekh
Parameterizing vertical mixing coefficients in the Ocean by Akash Sane
Smart correction model for winter sky temperatures by Lorenzo Zampieri
Data-driven subgrid parameterizations by Karl Otness
Emulating Cloud Superparameterization by Pierre Gentine
M²LInES at AGU 22
Direct observational evidence of an oceanic dual kinetic energy cascade and its seasonality
Implicit learning of convective organization explains precipitation stochasticity
Ocean currents break up a tabular iceberg
On Gradient Descent Convergence beyond the Edge of Stability
A year-round satellite sea-ice thickness record from CryoSat-2
Comparing Storm Resolving Models and Climates via Unsupervised Machine Learning
Semi-automatic tuning of coupled climate models with multiple intrinsic timescales
Benchmarking of machine learning ocean subgrid parameterizations in an idealized model
Cloud-based framework for inter-comparing submesoscale permitting realistic ocean models
Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction with a VED to Understand Convective Processes in Climate Models
A potential energy analysis of ocean surface mixed layers - Brandon Reichl
New preprint led by Adam Subel on transfer learning
Subseasonal Earth System Prediction with CESM2 - Judith Berner
Deep Learning for Subgrid-Scale Turbulence Modeling in LES of the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Lorenzo Zampieri - A machine learning correction model
Will Gregory - Network connectivity article
2022 CESM workshop: Info and submission deadline
Anastasiia Gorbunova - Eulerian spatiotemporal correlations in passive scalar turbulence
GCM-Filters publication
Marika Holland - Arctic sea ice sensitivity to lateral melting representation
Balaji - Are GCMs obsolete?
Adam Subel - Stable a posteriori LES of 2D turbulence using convolutional neural networks
Joan Bruna - Neural Galerkin Scheme preprint
Mitch Bushuk on the Mechanisms of Regional Arctic Sea Ice Predictability
Dhruv Balwada and Laure Zanna article in SIAM news
Movie about M²LInES and featured on AGU TV!
Aakash Sane - Evaluating Coupled Climate Model Parameterizations
Book Chapter - Isopycnal mixing by Ryan Abernathey
Climate-Invariant Machine Learning
Deep Probability Estimation
Hugo Frezat - A posteriori learning of quasi-geostrophic turbulence parametrization
Tropical precipitation clusters as islands on a rough water-vapor topography
AGU presentations by M²LInES team members
M²LInES Kickoff meeting
The influence of snow on sea ice as assessed from simulations of CESM2 - Marika Holland
Probabilistic Predictions from Deterministic Atmospheric River Forecasts with Deep Learning - Will Chapman
Response of Northern Hemisphere Weather and Climate to Arctic Sea Ice Decline - Lorenzo Zampieri
UN AI for Good: AI and Climate Science seminars
Adaptive Denoising via GainTuning - Carlos Fernandez-Granda
Impact of Sea-Ice Model Complexity on model performance by Lorenzo Zampieri
Article by Dhruv Balwada et al. - Role of submesoscale flows on vertical fluxes
Estimating Ocean Surface Currents With Machine Learning - Ryan Abernathey
Seasonal Prediction and Predictability of Regional Antarctic Sea Ice - Mitch Bushuk
Neural Networks as Geometric Chaotic Maps - by Ziwei Li
Neural network parametrization of a subgrid process - by Janni Yuval and Paul O'Gorman
Article in Eos by Yuval et al. - Call for Papers on Machine Learning and Earth System Modeling
Upcoming Seminar by Laure Zanna at One World Mathematics of Climate - 7/6
A Bayesian approach towards sea ice freeboard estimates - paper by Will Gregory
s2s challenge
KITP conference: Machine Learning for Climate
2021 CESM workshop: M²LInES team members presenting on June 17th
Call for Papers for JAMES
Using deep learning to emulate cloud superparameterization - new paper by PI Gentine
Neural Network emulating physical constraints - paper by PI Gentine
New paper on deep learning parametrization by Guillaumin and Zanna
Modelisation using neural network - paper by PI Le Sommer