Introduction to Equation Discovery - Comparing Symbolic Regression Methods#

Upto now we have seen that the climate models we developed are using physical equations that are based on our understanding of the physical processes that govern the climate. However, these equations are often complex and difficult to solve, and they can only be used to model the climate at a coarse resolution.

Equation discovery is a different approach that uses machine learning to automatically discover equations that can be used to model the climate. Specifically, equation discovery in climate modeling can be used to:

  • Automate the process of developing subgrid parameterizations. Subgrid parameterizations are mathematical equations that are used to represent the effects of processes that are too small to be resolved by climate models. These equations are often complex and difficult to develop, but they can be automatically discovered using equation discovery.

  • Identify relationships between variables that are important for understanding climate change. Machine learning algorithms can learn from large datasets of climate data to identify relationships between variables that are important for understanding climate change.

  • Develop models that are more interpretable and that can be used to make better decisions about how to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Machine learning algorithms can generate equations that are easier to understand than traditional physical equations. This can help scientists and policymakers to understand how climate models work and to make better decisions about how to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

In this notebook, we’ll review some common techniques for Symbolic Regression (SR), a family of methods of discovering (simple) equations that relate inputs to outputs.

In particular, we’ll cover the following methods:

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pysindy as ps
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso, LinearRegression
from sympy import Number, latex

from rvm import RVR


When explaining the methods, we’ll consider the following bivariate system:

\[ y = x_0^2 - \frac{1}{2}x_1^2 + \sin\left(\frac{1}{2} x_0 x_1\right) \]

Although the equation is relatively simple, discovering it from \(x_0\) and \(x_1\) directly is a bit tough, since the \(\sin\) term requires going at least three levels deep in term combinations, and also involves an inner multiplication by a constant (which not all symbolic regression frameworks support).

def toy_function(x):
    x0 = x[:, 0]
    x1 = x[:, 1]
    return x0**2 - 0.5 * x1**2 + np.sin(0.5 * x0 * x1)
def contour(
    f, lines=None, linewidths=6, alpha=0.9, linestyles="solid", label=None, **kw
    grid = np.linspace(-4, 4, 150)
    xyg = np.array(np.meshgrid(grid, grid))
    X = xyg.reshape(2, -1).T
    zg = f(X)
    xg, yg = xyg
    vlim = np.abs(zg).max()
    plt.contourf(xg, yg, zg.reshape(xg.shape), 300, vmin=-vlim, vmax=vlim, cmap="bwr")
x = np.random.normal(size=(1000, 2))
y = toy_function(x)
contour(toy_function, label="Function value")
plt.title("Toy domain for illustrating\nsymbolic regression", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("$x_0$", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("$x_1$", fontsize=16)

Genetic Programming#

Genetic programming is a classic technique in AI, and interest in the idea dates back at least to Alan Turing (who proposes the idea in the same paper that introduces the imitation game, or Turing test).

The general idea is to have a:

  • “Population” of programs (in our case, possible symbolic expressions, usually represented as trees)

  • Some notion of individual “fitness” (in our case, how well they model the data, as well as their simplicity)

  • Some means of applying random “mutations” (e.g. adding a term, deleting a term)


Fig. 6 Some examples for different mutation types#

“Crossover” and “subtree” mutations combine features from multiple candidate equations, imitating the process of genetic recombination from sexual reproduction. “Hoist” and “point” mutations modify individual equations, imitating the process of genetic mutation from, e.g., random errors in DNA replication.

Specific mutations aside, programs can have a limited lifespan, and those with high “fitness” produce more “offspring” (possibly-mutated versions of themselves). However, everything is probabilistic, so programs with lower fitness can still persist. This is critically important, because it allows genetic programming to overcome local minima during optimization.

Note that although genetic programming can be a robust way to solve extremely difficult non-convex optimization problems (as perhaps evidenced by life itself), it also tends to be slow and resource-intensive.


One nicely-documented library for “pure” genetic programming-based symbolic regression is gplearn, which provides a scikit-learn style API and a number of configuration options:

Run gplearn#

import gplearn
import gplearn.genetic
gplearn_sr = gplearn.genetic.SymbolicRegressor(
    function_set=("add", "mul", "sin"),
), y)
    |   Population Average    |             Best Individual              |
---- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------
 Gen   Length          Fitness   Length          Fitness      OOB Fitness  Time Left
   0    18.01          1.49483        6         0.484762          0.54154      2.25m
   1     7.38          1.01063       10         0.330553         0.387356      1.80m
   2     6.30         0.905155       10         0.329078         0.400628      1.65m
   3     4.40         0.820884       10          0.31151         0.558737      1.56m
   4     6.87         0.829169       15         0.270369         0.284187      1.58m
   5     9.72         0.807564       16         0.249315         0.246955      1.64m
   6    10.08         0.791316       16        0.0855869        0.0861863      1.66m
   7    10.28         0.787084       16         0.084788        0.0933768      1.57m
   8    11.10         0.786517       18        0.0540637        0.0529955      1.56m
   9    11.25         0.774751       18        0.0413987        0.0351855      1.55m
  10    12.60         0.717222       19        0.0283082        0.0520556      1.46m
  11    15.38         0.653021       19        0.0306467        0.0310092      1.50m
  12    16.65         0.625027       19        0.0310127        0.0277152      1.54m
  13    16.98         0.739308       19        0.0286762        0.0487439      1.45m
  14    16.88         0.639717       18        0.0275947        0.0533915      1.38m
  15    16.76         0.631066       18        0.0288712        0.0419033      1.42m
  16    16.70         0.641338       18        0.0274046        0.0551026      1.33m
  17    16.56         0.625244       18        0.0277453        0.0520362      1.27m
  18    16.67         0.640259       17        0.0293917         0.077689      1.26m
  19    16.14         0.643409       17        0.0293976        0.0776353      1.18m
  20    15.92         0.652471       16        0.0290779         0.105859      1.15m
  21    15.75         0.640067       16        0.0290357         0.106239      1.12m
  22    15.73         0.643234       16        0.0284907        0.0641858      1.10m
  23    15.46         0.638325       16        0.0253916        0.0920775      1.03m
  24    15.31         0.628344       16        0.0274558        0.0734996     59.08s
  25    15.14         0.628068       16        0.0270337        0.0772986     59.13s
  26    15.06         0.647963       16        0.0258607        0.0878558     55.25s
  27    14.97         0.635775       16        0.0267475        0.0798743     52.86s
  28    14.86         0.632398       15        0.0264942        0.0623323     52.37s
  29    15.02         0.632915       15        0.0266271        0.0611365     47.54s
  30    14.97          0.62965       15         0.025187        0.0771915     47.10s
  31    14.84         0.625841       15        0.0250013        0.0757683     42.45s
  32    14.84         0.629502       15        0.0247215        0.0782866     39.74s
  33    14.76         0.635612       15         0.024076        0.0871909     36.60s
  34    14.79         0.635136       15        0.0248787        0.0768716     35.41s
  35    14.62         0.633268       15        0.0233109        0.0909819     32.00s
  36    14.81         0.634576       15         0.023101        0.0856682     29.86s
  37    14.91         0.632228       15        0.0212863         0.109203     28.34s
  38    14.81         0.639432       15        0.0248355        0.0772609     25.22s
  39    14.92         0.641709       15        0.0240545        0.0842895     22.85s
  40    14.89          0.63383       15        0.0225797        0.0975635     21.45s
  41    14.91         0.637992       15        0.0245694        0.0796555     18.20s
  42    14.78         0.628461       15        0.0233737        0.0832134     16.09s
  43    14.87          0.64086       15        0.0230527        0.0861029     14.30s
  44    14.75         0.639295       15        0.0214133         0.100857     11.45s
  45    14.96          0.63278       15        0.0226716         0.089533      9.20s
  46    14.84          0.63221       15        0.0226284        0.0899211      7.12s
  47    14.92         0.637863       15        0.0229121        0.0873682      4.61s
  48    14.91         0.633585       15        0.0226576        0.0896582      2.30s
  49    14.93          0.64919       15        0.0227347        0.0889648      0.00s
add(mul(0.477, mul(X0, X1)), add(mul(mul(X1, -0.501), X1), mul(X0, X0)))
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Interpret results#

add(mul(0.477, mul(X0, X1)), add(mul(mul(X1, -0.501), X1), mul(X0, X0)))

This looks very close to the right answer, though the constants are slightly off.

[const for const in gplearn_sr._program.program if isinstance(const, float)]
[0.476603722906374, -0.5013678019794263]

This is likely because gplearn mutations which add or update constants always pick values by drawing random uniform values (within pre-specified ranges, by default -1 to 1). In my limited experience so far, this is one of the major inefficiencies.


PySR is a different library for symbolic regression which, though still based on genetic programming, includes simulated annealing and gradient-free optimization to set the values of constants as well as performance improvements (although accessible via a Python API, the main library is written in Julia for speed). This seems to make it a bit more reliable and precise.

Run PySR#

import pysr
equations = pysr.PySRRegressor(
    binary_operators=["+", "*"],  # operators that can combine two terms
    unary_operators=["sin"],  # operators that modify a single term
), y)
Compiling Julia backend...
PySRRegressor.equations_ = [
	    pick     score                                           equation  \
	0         0.000000                                         0.45290574   
	1         0.512922                                          (x0 * x0)   
	2         0.146916                          ((x0 * x0) + -0.48262903)   
	3         0.000610             (((x0 * 1.0215279) * x0) + -0.5027918)   
	4         0.033717               (((x0 + sin(x1)) * x0) + -0.4817575)   
	5         1.547075             ((x0 * x0) + (x1 * (x1 * -0.5127887)))   
	6         0.000768  ((x0 * x0) + ((-0.49527335 * x1) * (x1 + -0.02...   
	7         0.460640  ((x0 * x0) + (((-0.49527335 * x1) + sin(x0)) *...   
	8         1.816956  (((x0 + (x1 * 0.3972897)) * x0) + (x1 * (x1 * ...   
	9         0.227155  ((x0 * (x0 + sin(x1 * 0.477271))) + ((-0.49527...   
	10  >>>>  0.239588  ((x0 * (x0 + sin(sin(x1 * 0.477271)))) + ((-0....   
	11        0.062997  ((x0 * (x0 + sin(sin(sin(x1 * 0.477271))))) + ...   
	12        0.004188  ((x0 * (x0 + sin(sin(sin(sin((x1 + x1) * 0.257...   
	        loss  complexity  
	0   2.552396           1  
	1   0.915018           3  
	2   0.682056           5  
	3   0.681224           7  
	4   0.658638           8  
	5   0.140204           9  
	6   0.139989          11  
	7   0.088316          12  
	8   0.014353          13  
	9   0.011437          14  
	10  0.009000          15  
	11  0.008451          16  
	12  0.008345          19  
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Interpret results#

def round_expr(expr, num_digits=4):
    return expr.xreplace({n: round(n, num_digits) for n in expr.atoms(Number)})
\[\displaystyle x_{0} \left(x_{0} + \sin{\left(\sin{\left(0.4773 x_{1} \right)} \right)}\right) - 0.4953 x_{1}^{2}\]

It looks like PySR is able to not only discover the correct equation, but also format it for us nicely.

In addition, it saves a Pareto frontier of possible expressions of varying complexities, which had the lowest error of any other equations of equal or lesser complexity (with a configurable trade-off rule):

complexity loss score equation sympy_format lambda_format
0 1 2.552396 0.000000 0.45290574 0.452905740000000 PySRFunction(X=>0.452905740000000)
1 3 0.915018 0.512922 (x0 * x0) x0**2 PySRFunction(X=>x0**2)
2 5 0.682056 0.146916 ((x0 * x0) + -0.48262903) x0**2 - 0.48262903 PySRFunction(X=>x0**2 - 0.48262903)
3 7 0.681224 0.000610 (((x0 * 1.0215279) * x0) + -0.5027918) 1.0215279*x0**2 - 0.5027918 PySRFunction(X=>1.0215279*x0**2 - 0.5027918)
4 8 0.658638 0.033717 (((x0 + sin(x1)) * x0) + -0.4817575) x0*(x0 + sin(x1)) - 0.4817575 PySRFunction(X=>x0*(x0 + sin(x1)) - 0.4817575)
5 9 0.140204 1.547075 ((x0 * x0) + (x1 * (x1 * -0.5127887))) x0**2 - 0.5127887*x1**2 PySRFunction(X=>x0**2 - 0.5127887*x1**2)
6 11 0.139989 0.000768 ((x0 * x0) + ((-0.49527335 * x1) * (x1 + -0.02... x0**2 - 0.49527335*x1*(x1 - 0.020218268) PySRFunction(X=>x0**2 - 0.49527335*x1*(x1 - 0....
7 12 0.088316 0.460640 ((x0 * x0) + (((-0.49527335 * x1) + sin(x0)) *... x0**2 + x1*(-0.49527335*x1 + sin(x0)) PySRFunction(X=>x0**2 + x1*(-0.49527335*x1 + s...
8 13 0.014353 1.816956 (((x0 + (x1 * 0.3972897)) * x0) + (x1 * (x1 * ... x0*(x0 + 0.3972897*x1) - 0.4747184*x1**2 PySRFunction(X=>x0*(x0 + 0.3972897*x1) - 0.474...
9 14 0.011437 0.227155 ((x0 * (x0 + sin(x1 * 0.477271))) + ((-0.49527... x0*(x0 + sin(0.477271*x1)) - 0.49527335*x1**2 PySRFunction(X=>x0*(x0 + sin(0.477271*x1)) - 0...
10 15 0.009000 0.239588 ((x0 * (x0 + sin(sin(x1 * 0.477271)))) + ((-0.... x0*(x0 + sin(sin(0.477271*x1))) - 0.49527335*x... PySRFunction(X=>x0*(x0 + sin(sin(0.477271*x1))...
11 16 0.008451 0.062997 ((x0 * (x0 + sin(sin(sin(x1 * 0.477271))))) + ... x0*(x0 + sin(sin(sin(0.477271*x1)))) - 0.49527... PySRFunction(X=>x0*(x0 + sin(sin(sin(0.477271*...
12 19 0.008345 0.004188 ((x0 * (x0 + sin(sin(sin(sin((x1 + x1) * 0.257... x0*(x0 + sin(sin(sin(sin(0.5156346*x1))))) - 0... PySRFunction(X=>x0*(x0 + sin(sin(sin(sin(0.515...
0     2.552396
1     0.915018
2     0.682056
3     0.681224
4     0.658638
5     0.140204
6     0.139989
7     0.088316
8     0.014353
9     0.011437
10    0.009000
11    0.008451
12    0.008345
Name: loss, dtype: float64
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3), dpi=150)

plt.ylabel("Mean squared error", fontsize=14, color="blue")
    [f"${latex(round_expr(v,7))}$" for v in equations.equations_.sympy_format],
plt.title("PySR Pareto frontier", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Expression (more complex $\\to$)", fontsize=14)

ax2 = plt.twinx()
    np.arange(len(equations.equations_)) + 0.33,
ax2.set_ylabel("PySR score", color="orange", fontsize=14)

Manually Constructed Library + Sparse Regression#

Another approach to performing symbolic regression is to

  • Hand-construct a library of basis functions (e.g. by recursively combining all terms with various operations)

  • Run sparse linear regression to extract a small set of basis functions

This approach works well for problems where any constants in the underlying formula can be extracted out to the outermost level (so they can be determined by linear regression). It also works well when we have domain knowledge about which terms could potentially appear in the final sum.

It does not work well in cases where constants can’t be pulled outside certain operations (e.g. in this case, with the sine operator, though powers and derivatives are generally fine). This method can also struggle when basis function values are highly correlated, though it depends on the sparse regression method.

Let’s create an augmentation function which takes an array of features and adds additional basis functions by combining them with binary multiplication and unary sine operations:

def augment(feats, names):
    existing = set(names)
    new_feats = []
    new_names = []

    for i in range(feats.shape[1]):
        name = f"sin({names[i]})"
        if name not in existing:
            new_feats.append(np.sin(feats[:, i]))
        for j in range(i, feats.shape[1]):
            name = f"mul({names[i]}, {names[j]})"
            if name not in existing:
                new_feats.append(feats[:, i] * feats[:, j])

    return np.hstack((feats, np.array(new_feats).T)), names + new_names
def repeatedly_augment(feats, names=None, depth=2):
    if names is None:
        names = [f"x{i}" for i in range(len(feats))]
    for _ in range(depth):
        feats, names = augment(feats, names)
    return feats, names
feats, names = repeatedly_augment(np.array(x), ["x0", "x1"], depth=2)

Applying this twice brings us from 2 features up to 37:

(1000, 37)

We can see that the complexity of this approach starts to blow up exponentially, though, as we increase the maximum depth of an expression:

augment(feats, names)[0].shape
(1000, 742)
augment(*augment(feats, names))[0].shape
(1000, 276397)

If we need arbitrary polynomials of up to 4th order, we end up with orders of magnitude more features than samples, which will cause problems.

Note that since this method lacks the ability to apply operations with constants within other operations, \(\sin(0.5 x_0 x_1)\) isn’t present in any of these possible sets, though \(\sin(x_0 x_1)\) is.

Let’s now see how different methods for (sparse) linear regression perform on this task:

def learned_expr(coef, names, cutoff=1e-2):
    coef_idx = np.argwhere(np.abs(coef) > cutoff)[:, 0]
    sort_order = reversed(np.argsort(np.abs(coef[coef_idx])))
    return " + ".join(
        [f"{coef[coef_idx[i]]:.4f}*{names[coef_idx[i]]}" for i in sort_order]

Linear regression#

We can start with completely unregularized linear regression, which will find the linear combination of basis terms that minimizes mean squared error (to high precision, due to the convexity of the problem and an analytic way of solving it).

linreg = LinearRegression(), y)
learned_expr(linreg.coef_, names)
'1.0412*mul(x0, x0) + -0.8116*mul(sin(x0), sin(x1)) + 0.7118*mul(x0, sin(x1)) + 0.6321*mul(x1, sin(x0)) + -0.5047*mul(x1, x1) + 0.1910*x0 + -0.1659*sin(x0) + -0.0918*x1 + 0.0848*sin(x1) + -0.0723*mul(x0, x1) + -0.0513*mul(x0, sin(x0)) + 0.0340*sin(mul(x0, x1)) + -0.0267*sin(sin(x0)) + -0.0218*mul(mul(x0, x0), mul(x0, x1)) + -0.0195*mul(x0, mul(x0, x0)) + -0.0150*mul(sin(x0), mul(x0, x0)) + -0.0114*mul(mul(x0, x1), mul(x1, x1))'

Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to give us a very sparse solution in this case.

L1-regularized linear regression (LASSO)#

A common way to make linear regression return more sparse solutions is to minimize a linear combination of the mean squared error and the sum of the magnitudes of the weights. This is called applying an “L1 penalty” since it is the L1-norm of the weight vector, and is also referred to as the “Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator”, or LASSO. From a Bayesian perspective, this corresponds to doing Bayesian linear regression with a Laplace or double-exponential prior on the weights.

Note that although this penalty does tend to encourage sparsity, it’s also meant as a regularizer, which can help with the presence of noise.

lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.01), y)
learned_expr(lasso.coef_, names)
'0.9781*mul(x0, x0) + -0.4912*mul(x1, x1) + 0.1555*mul(x0, x1) + 0.1469*mul(x0, sin(x1)) + 0.1277*mul(x1, sin(x0)) + 0.1017*sin(mul(x0, x1)) + 0.0136*mul(mul(x0, x0), mul(x1, x1))'

Here, LASSO ends up doing a pretty good job finding the first two terms of the ground-truth model (\(x_0^2 - 0.5x_1^2\)), with an approximation of the remaining \(\sin(0.5 x_0 x_1)\) term as \( 0.2(x_0\sin(x_1)+x_1\sin(x_0)) + 0.1(\sin(x_0 x_1) + x_0x_1)\):

plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=150)
x0 = x[:, 0]
x1 = x[:, 1]
sin = np.sin
    sin(0.5 * x0 * x1),
    0.2 * (x0 * sin(x1) + x1 * sin(x0)) + 0.1 * (sin(x0 * x1) + x0 * x1),
plt.plot([-1, 1], [-1, 1], color="red")
plt.xlabel(r"$\sin(0.5 x_0 x_1)$", fontsize=12)
    r"$0.2(x_0\sin(x_1)+x_1\sin(x_0))$" + "\n" + r"$+ 0.1(\sin(x_0 x_1) + x_0x_1)$",

Relevance vector machines (RVM)#

Relevance vector machines, used by Zanna and Bolton 2020 for equation discovery, provide another way of learning sparse linear models in a Bayesian manner, though with a different prior that prioritizes sparsity over shrinkage when the data permits it. RVMs can also be used with a kernel trick to learn nonlinear decision boundaries which are sparse in a kernelized feature space, though in this case, we use a linear kernel on top of our manually computed library features.

rvm = RVR(verbose=False), y, names)
learned_expr(rvm.m_, rvm.labels)
'1.0157*mul(x0, x0) + -0.8171*mul(sin(x0), sin(x1)) + 0.7149*mul(x0, sin(x1)) + 0.6434*mul(x1, sin(x0)) + -0.4903*mul(x1, x1) + -0.0806*mul(x0, x1) + 0.0337*sin(mul(x0, x1)) + -0.0210*mul(mul(x0, x0), mul(x0, x1)) + -0.0178*mul(x1, sin(x1)) + 0.0124*mul(sin(x1), sin(x1)) + -0.0117*mul(mul(x0, x1), mul(x1, x1)) + -0.0113*mul(x0, sin(x0)) + -0.0107*mul(sin(x0), sin(x0))'

RVM does discover the \(x_0^2\) and \(-0.5x_1^2\) terms almost exactly, but ends up with an even more complex approximate expression for the missing \(\sin(0.5x_0x_1)\) term.

Sequentially Thresholded Least Squares (STLSQ) from pysindy#

The PySINDy library provides a number of efficient Python implementations of sparse regression algorithms. Their default regression method is sequentially thresholded least squares (STLSQ), which (as its name might suggest) repeatedly runs L2-regularized linear regression with penalty strength alpha and prunes features with weight magnitudes below a given threshold.

stlsq = ps.optimizers.stlsq.STLSQ(alpha=0.0001, threshold=0.1), y)
learned_expr(stlsq.coef_[0], names)
'1.0006*mul(x0, x0) + -0.4997*mul(x1, x1) + 0.3492*mul(x0, sin(x1)) + 0.3487*mul(x1, sin(x0)) + -0.1385*mul(sin(x0), sin(x1))'

This method ends up finding a sparser solution than Lasso, though I did tweak the parameters a bit to make that happen :)

It’s worth checking out PySINDy’s full suite of sparse regression methods for other approaches!

Overall, all of these methods were able to find the \(x_0^2\) and \(-0.5x_1^2\) terms, but all of them also needed to find approximations for the remaining term because it wasn’t in the feature library. Meaning the expressions are both less accurate and more complex.

Tweaking the Feature Library#

Now, we can potentially resolve some of these issues by pre-multiplying \(x_1\) by 0.5 before the augmentation process (which we’ll call \(x_{1h}\)).

feats2 = np.array(x)
feats2[:, 1] = feats2[:, 1] * 0.5
names2 = ["x0", "x1h"]
depth = 2

for _ in range(depth):
    feats2, names2 = augment(feats2, names2)

In this case, the correct model should be expressed as

\[ y = x_0^2 - 2x_{1h}^2 + \sin(x_0 x_{1h}) \]

which is now a linear combination of our basis terms. Let’s see if these regression techniques can find it:

linreg = LinearRegression(), y)
learned_expr(linreg.coef_, names2)
'-2.0000*mul(x1h, x1h) + 1.0000*sin(mul(x0, x1h)) + 1.0000*mul(x0, x0)'
lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.01), y)
learned_expr(lasso.coef_, names2)
'-1.8387*mul(x1h, x1h) + 0.9846*mul(x0, x0) + 0.8594*sin(mul(x0, x1h)) + -0.0415*mul(mul(x1h, x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + 0.0332*mul(x0, x1h) + 0.0110*mul(mul(x0, x0), mul(x0, x1h))'
rvm = RVR(verbose=False), y, names2)
learned_expr(rvm.m_, rvm.labels)
'-2.0000*mul(x1h, x1h) + 1.0000*sin(mul(x0, x1h)) + 1.0000*mul(x0, x0)'
stlsq = ps.optimizers.stlsq.STLSQ(alpha=0.0001, threshold=0.1), y)
learned_expr(stlsq.coef_[0], names2)
'-2.0000*mul(x1h, x1h) + 1.0000*mul(x0, x0) + 1.0000*sin(mul(x0, x1h))'

In this case, every method except Lasso finds the true model exactly (which held true across many choices of regularization parameter).

Handling noise#

What if we add noise to the data?

noise = np.random.normal(size=feats2.shape) * 0.01
linreg = LinearRegression() + noise, y)
learned_expr(linreg.coef_, names2)
'0.8985*mul(x0, x0) + -0.8420*mul(x1h, x1h) + 0.8242*sin(mul(x0, x1h)) + -0.6962*mul(x1h, sin(x1h)) + -0.2801*mul(sin(x1h), sin(x1h)) + -0.2216*mul(mul(x1h, x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + 0.2033*mul(x0, sin(x0)) + -0.1835*sin(mul(x1h, x1h)) + 0.1605*mul(x1h, sin(x0)) + -0.1359*mul(sin(x0), sin(x0)) + -0.1199*mul(x1h, mul(x0, x0)) + 0.1141*mul(sin(x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + -0.1095*x1h + 0.0943*mul(x0, x1h) + -0.0878*mul(sin(x0), sin(x1h)) + -0.0755*mul(mul(x0, x1h), sin(x1h)) + 0.0680*x0 + 0.0644*mul(mul(x0, x0), sin(x1h)) + 0.0612*sin(sin(x1h)) + 0.0579*mul(x0, mul(x0, x1h)) + -0.0555*mul(x1h, mul(x1h, x1h)) + -0.0512*mul(mul(x0, x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + -0.0496*sin(sin(x0)) + 0.0372*sin(x1h) + 0.0371*mul(mul(x0, x0), mul(x1h, x1h)) + -0.0369*mul(mul(x0, x1h), mul(x0, x1h)) + 0.0354*mul(x1h, mul(x0, x1h)) + 0.0297*mul(x0, sin(x1h)) + 0.0193*mul(sin(x0), mul(x1h, x1h)) + -0.0186*sin(x0) + 0.0140*sin(mul(x0, x0)) + -0.0110*mul(sin(x0), mul(x0, x0)) + 0.0110*mul(x0, mul(x1h, x1h))'
lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.01) + noise, y)
learned_expr(lasso.coef_, names2)
'-1.8389*mul(x1h, x1h) + 0.9849*mul(x0, x0) + 0.8410*sin(mul(x0, x1h)) + 0.0467*mul(x0, x1h) + -0.0417*mul(mul(x1h, x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + 0.0101*mul(mul(x0, x0), mul(x0, x1h))'
rvm = RVR(verbose=False) + noise, y, names2)
learned_expr(rvm.m_, rvm.labels)
'0.9690*mul(x0, x0) + -0.8764*mul(x1h, x1h) + 0.8401*sin(mul(x0, x1h)) + -0.7110*mul(x1h, sin(x1h)) + -0.2427*mul(sin(x1h), sin(x1h)) + -0.2120*mul(mul(x1h, x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + -0.1688*sin(mul(x1h, x1h)) + 0.1190*mul(x1h, sin(x0)) + 0.0997*mul(x0, x1h) + 0.0927*mul(sin(x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + -0.0619*mul(mul(x0, x1h), sin(x1h)) + -0.0614*mul(x1h, mul(x1h, x1h)) + 0.0600*mul(x0, sin(x0)) + 0.0495*mul(mul(x0, x0), sin(x1h)) + -0.0479*mul(x1h, mul(x0, x0)) + -0.0465*mul(mul(x0, x1h), mul(x1h, x1h)) + 0.0422*mul(x1h, mul(x0, x1h)) + -0.0377*mul(sin(x0), sin(x1h)) + -0.0339*mul(sin(x0), sin(x0)) + 0.0104*mul(sin(x0), mul(x1h, x1h))'
stlsq = ps.optimizers.stlsq.STLSQ(alpha=0.0001, threshold=0.1) + noise, y)
learned_expr(stlsq.coef_[0], names2)
'-1.1666*mul(x1h, x1h) + 1.0006*mul(x0, x0) + 0.9962*sin(mul(x0, x1h)) + -0.8574*mul(x1h, sin(x1h)) + -0.1116*mul(mul(x1h, x1h), mul(x1h, x1h))'

In this case, it actually becomes Lasso which gets closest to the true model (i.e. is the only regression technique whose first three leading terms match the ground-truth model). This reversal illustrates how noise can strongly impact the effectiveness of different methods for learning symbolic models.

Let’s see how genetic programming-based techniques deal with noise.

noisy_equations = pysr.PySRRegressor(
    binary_operators=["+", "*"],  # operators that can combine two terms
    unary_operators=["sin"],  # operators that modify a single term
), y + np.random.normal(size=y.shape));
complexity loss score equation sympy_format lambda_format
0 1 3.532013 0.000000 0.4358215 0.435821500000000 PySRFunction(X=>0.435821500000000)
1 3 1.836234 0.327075 (x0 * x0) x0**2 PySRFunction(X=>x0**2)
2 5 1.586974 0.072944 ((x0 * x0) + -0.49931914) x0**2 - 0.49931914 PySRFunction(X=>x0**2 - 0.49931914)
3 7 1.584167 0.000885 (((x0 * x0) + -0.5353973) * 1.0403335) 1.0403335*x0**2 - 0.55699174699955 PySRFunction(X=>1.0403335*x0**2 - 0.5569917469...
4 8 1.583757 0.000259 (((x0 * x0) + sin(-0.5433997)) * 1.0424162) 1.0424162*x0**2 - 0.538980219457963 PySRFunction(X=>1.0424162*x0**2 - 0.5389802194...
5 9 1.000580 0.459220 ((x0 + (x1 * -0.37969938)) * (x0 + x1)) (x0 - 0.37969938*x1)*(x0 + x1) PySRFunction(X=>(x0 - 0.37969938*x1)*(x0 + x1))
6 12 0.926672 0.025578 ((x0 + (x1 * sin(-0.37969938 + -0.10741321))) ... (x0 - 0.46807627315713*x1)*(x0 + x1) PySRFunction(X=>(x0 - 0.46807627315713*x1)*(x0...
7 13 0.909419 0.018794 ((x0 + (x1 * sin(sin(sin(sin(-0.69789875))))))... (x0 - 0.534615915297832*x1)*(x0 + x1) PySRFunction(X=>(x0 - 0.534615915297832*x1)*(x...
8 15 0.909410 0.000005 ((x0 + (x1 * sin(sin(sin(-0.34467646 + sin(-0.... (x0 - 0.536145389299422*x1)*(x0 + x1) PySRFunction(X=>(x0 - 0.536145389299422*x1)*(x...
\[\displaystyle \left(x_{0} - 0.3797 x_{1}\right) \left(x_{0} + x_{1}\right)\]
\[\displaystyle \left(x_{0} - 0.37969938 x_{1}\right) \left(x_{0} + x_{1}\right)\]

It looks like PySR was still able to discover the true expression as part of its Pareto frontier, though with the noise it’s only rated third-best for the default tradeoff between complexity and performance (with a sin-less version taking first).

Other Methods for Symbolic Regression#

To finish the notebook, here are a few other techniques for symbolic regression that don’t fit under either previously described methods (and all developed in the last several years):

  • STreCH (Julia implementation here) formulates symbolic regression as a non-convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) technique, which it solves using a heuristic-guided cutting plane formulation.

  • EQL (Python implementation here) develops “equation layers” for neural networks which can be readily interpreted and also chained together, and are regularized with a thresholded L1 penalty to encourage sparsity.

  • AI Feynman (hybrid Python-Fortran implementation here) starts by training a neural network, then computes input gradients of the learned network, and then uses attributes of those gradients to decompose the symbolic regression problem into something more tractable using graph theory.

  • Symbolic Metamodeling (Python implementation here) uses gradient descent to learn compositions of Meijer-G functions, a flexible family that can be programmatically projected back onto a wide set of analytic, closed-form, or even algebriac expressions.